Monday, September 23, 2019

How to get a Grant up and Running Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to get a Grant up and Running - Essay Example a Seriousness, the co-chairperson of the Grants Committee said that, â€Å"We need to use this grant money to fund studies and to create pilot programs which can become self sustaining with regard to prevention and education concerning the problem of underage drinking in the Air Force†. Jack Notso, the co-chair of the grants committee was briefer in his statement when he said, â€Å"We finally got the money. Let’s see who deserves it†. This is likely to be an important question since there are individuals within the organization who have presented their own ideas with regard to what could be done with the money for the grant. A poster and media campaign targeting the Air Force had been suggested earlier but was turned down on account of being too broad. Another plan for implanting experimental medical monitoring chips within the bodies of underage Air Force officers was also turned down when ethical and privacy related questions came into play. The grants committee is looking for workable solutions which will have the least impact on the lives of Air Force officers while giving them awareness about the issue and teaching them the idea of responsibility with regard to underage drinking. This is certainly a problem which needs a solution but no quick fix or partial solution will be acceptable to the organization. It is clear that the organization is looking at the long term when it comes to solving the problem of underage drinking in the Air Force and that the projects or studies conducted under the grant should be self sustaining after the initial funding has been provided. More information about the grant and the application forms are available from the website or the offices of the organization. The grant request statement has to explain why the grant is being requested as well as give a detailed outline of what the money would be used for. Practical solutions that can sustain themselves for a number of years are to be given priority over studies and research

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